Finding Purpose Later in Life through Volunteer Work
June 19, 2017 | Connectedness, Mental Health
Maintaining a strong sense of community is important at all stages of life, especially during retirement. But, many people find that they feel disconnected when they have an empty nest at home, and they are no longer interacting with peers in the workplace. If you are retired and looking for ways to connect with your community, then you might consider the benefits of volunteer work.
Community Volunteering Helps with Cognitive Engagement
Cognitive engagement during retirement is essential to support your mental and physical health. It has been found that volunteerism contributes to a sense of purpose, which is critical for people during this transitional time in life. Keep your mind healthy and active, and you will be able to get more satisfaction from the activities that you enjoy.
Often, people find fulfillment in their families and career activities. When they approach retirement age, they don’t know what to do when they no longer have these activities to fill their time. So, this is the perfect time of life to step into community volunteering opportunities.
Physical Health Improves through Volunteering
A recent study found that people who participate in volunteering experience better health. These activities contribute to a greater sense of purpose, which in turn improves decisions regarding the use of preventive health care. Not only are you helping other people, but you will also be helping yourself at the same time!
People who volunteer have lower mortality rates, a reduced risk of depression, and improved functional ability later in life. Every year researchers are identifying more reasons why retirees should be actively engaged in volunteering.
Volunteering Opportunities in San Diego
If you live in San Diego, then there are many opportunities in the local area if you are interested in volunteer work. Take a look at this resource through the County of San Diego with details about volunteer programs available for retirees.
Another option is to talk to our team here at Windward Life Care. Our goal is to support your physical and mental health in the ways that best meet your needs. Contact us to learn more about the services that are available.