Vietnam Veterans – Unique Needs and Benefits
March 18, 2019 | Advance Care Planning, Caregiving
The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act was signed into law in 2017. This act was designed as an official recognition of March 29th each year as the “National Vietnam War Veterans Day.” Veterans of the Vietnam War are aging and many now require additional assistance to perform their everyday activities. It is important to understand their unique needs in order to care for them respectfully and effectively.
Wounds From the War
The Vietnam War was the one of the longest wars fought by the United States, and many soldiers came home with injuries that affect them to this day. Over 153,000 soldiers were wounded, and more than 58,000 members of the US military lost their lives in this war.
Many of the disabilities affecting Vietnam vets today were caused by exposure to herbicide and defoliant Agent Orange. Other injuries occurred due to equipment and machinery, exposure to loud noise, and contact with a variety of other chemicals during service. The Veterans Administration recommends that Vietnam Veterans be tested for Hepatitis C since they are also at high risk for this infection.
Benefits for Veterans
Fortunately, there are a number of benefits available to Vietnam veterans and their children, including:
- Training and education
- Disability compensation
- Monetary benefits
- Health care, and assistance with home or facility care
- Insurance coverage
- Vocational rehabilitation
- Home loans
- Burial services
After Agent Orange exposure, many children were born with birth defects, such as spina bifida. Many children of women veterans of the Vietnam war were born with birth defects including congenital heart disease, hydrocephalus, and cleft lip and cleft palate.
For access to veterans’ benefits, an application needs to be submitted to a VA regional office. An online application is available, as well as local services to help veterans find the support and medical care that is needed. The VA benefits application process can be completed by veterans, current service members, families, and accredited representatives (also called Veterans Service Officers).
At Windward Life Care, we are here to help you in finding the right resources based on your needs. Whether you are seeking medical support or you are interested in VA benefits, you are welcome to contact us for information and assistance.